What qualifications do I need?

This is a question we get asked a lot. And the answer is a relatively simple one - In the UK there is no requirement for any formal qualification to become a tiler.
Unlike gas-safe plumbers or electricians there are no inherent safety concerns surround tiling and as such there are no set qualifications required. Tiling is more similar to plastering or floor laying in the fact that it is your competency that determines if you are able to trade as a professional tradesperson. There are an enormous number of self-taught tilers trading in the UK, however the market very quickly weeds out those who are not sufficiently knowledgable or skilled to complete tiling jobs correctly and to a good standard.
Do I need an NVQ in tiling?
There are a small number of qualifications available in tiling, however most of them have limited value. The only qualification that would be worth working towards would be an NVQ. As mentioned above, there is no requirement for an NVQ and the reality is that the majority of professional tilers operating in the UK domestic market do not have one.
There are a number of tiling training centres in the UK that claim to offer NVQ qualifications however they are being deliberately misleading. An NVQ is a work-based assessment and not something you can achieve while learning to tile in a training centre.
How do I get an NVQ in tiling?
Achieving an NVQ in tiling can be done in one of two ways. The most common way for tilers who have completed a tiling course is known as OSAT (on-site assessment training). This is where an independent NVQ assessor visits you in your place of work, observes your tiling work and helps you to build your understanding of tiling and a portfolio of tiling work to complete your NVQ qualification.
The second option is for experience tilers and is known as EWPA (experienced worker practical assessment). This is an option only for experienced tilers who can prove they have been tiling for a minimum of 5 years. This is an assessment of your skills and knowledge in a training centre, rather than training. At the end of the assessment, if you have passed then you will be awarded with your NVQ.
Should I get an NVQ?
As above, there is no requirement for an NVQ in the UK domestic market. That said, some tilers decide to go down this route as they feel the qualification gives proof of their skills and ability. If you also intend to go and work for a construction company rather than working for yourself in the domestic market, then an NVQ can sometimes be required. Our tiling courses are aimed towards people looking to become self-employed tilers who own and run their own wall & floor tiling businesses and in this instance the NVQ has limited value.
Simply put, if you know what you’re doing and your work is good enough, then you are a tiler. That said, there is a lot more to tiling correctly and accurately than a lot of people think and indeed that is probably the most common sentence we hear from our students!
With a solid understanding of the technical theory of tiling and background preparation, along with good key practical skills, then becoming a professional tiler is something that can be achieved by anybody. Our five-star rated intensive tiling courses have an exceptional record of producing skilled and successful professional tilers.
How long does a tiling course take?
We have a range of different duration courses available, to suit all different experience levels and personal goals. Our shortest tiling course is completed in one week and runs across 4 consecutive days. On this course we cram in as much information as possible and teach you all of the key core skills needed to begin your career in tiling. We offer a two week tiling course that is 9 days in duration. This course builds on the knowledge and skills learnt in the first week and you will be exposed to more complex situations and scenarios along with gaining additional experience with some of the more challenging skills in tiling. Our longest and most comprehensive tiling course is our 13 Day Expert course and this runs across three weeks. Much like our 9 day course, this three week course can be completed in three consecutive weeks, or can be split across different times of the year if needed. We believe this to be the most comprehensive fast-tracked intensive tiling course in the UK and the only one which teaches the trickiest skills such as accurately wrapping 45 degree herringbone around corners.
If you’re not sure which course would be most suitable or beneficial to you, we’d be happy to speak with you to try and understand your previous experience levels and your goals. We could then advise you on the decision. Get in contact and we would be happy to help